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  • alyabraham

In Sickness and In Health

Pets and mental health go hand in hand. Dogs, specifically, come with some pretty awesome and powerful health benefits, believe it or not. They give us our daily dose of serotonin. They can be a great source of comfort, companionship, and encouragement. In a lot of ways, they can help us to live mentally and physically healthier lives.

One of the first research on pets and mental health was about 30 years ago. Psychologist Alan Beck of Purdue University and psychiatrist Aaron Katcher at the University of Pennsylvania organized a study that measured what happens to the human body when someone pets a friendly dog. They found that blood pressure went down, heart rate slowed, muscle tension relaxed, and breathing became more regular. This is physical evidence that dogs have a huge ability to reduce stress. Ever wonder why dog therapy is a thing? It's for those exact reasons. Pretty cool, if you ask me. Many more studies have been done in recent years showing the same/similar results.

Dogs can also reduce anxiety, depression, and loneliness. Dog owners are less likely to suffer from depression than those without a dog. Studies have shown that playing with a dog can physically elevate levels of dopamine and serotonin, causing us to be calm and relaxed. The reason for this is because dogs and/or pets fulfill our need for basic human touch. They make us feel needed.

Self-esteem is a huge factor that dogs contribute to as well. Some people lack emotional support. So, when dogs do what they do best and give their unconditional love, anyone's self-esteem can increase. They provide such an unique form of validation that anyone could use. They also give us a sense of security and make us feel safe. It's pretty awesome what these creatures have the ability to do.

Dogs help us form healthy habits in our daily lives. First of all, they can help promote physical activity. Anyone who owns a dog should regularly take them on a walk or a run. This can force people to get up and get moving. It can also force people to get outside and enjoy nature. Going along with this, it can help people improve their social skills. When you take your dog on a walk outside, you will likely see others doing the same. This can lead to conversations with other dog owners. It can help people feel less isolated. They also give people a reason to get up in the morning. Dogs need to be fed on a daily/regular schedule. This can motivate people to get up in the morning and start their day, as well as add structure to their day. Also, dogs remind us to take care of ourselves as well. Dogs clean themselves, as well as get groomed. This can inspire their owners to do the same.

Overall, dogs can provide such a huge sense of comfort and calmness for anyone. They have an amazing effect on our well being and are pretty magical. Even science can back this up! It never fails to amaze me what dogs can do for people. I feel sometimes as if these things go unnoticed, but it's so important to recognize and appreciate these things that this animal can do. I hope that if you are not a dog owner, you will look into getting one! You won't regret it. Dogs have helped me immensely with my mental health, as I have struggled with it all of my life, and I am so thankful they exist.

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